Estamp’s Leadership Style

Estamp is based on its Company Principles. Our team is our most valuable asset and we work on a daily basis to ensure our people grow both personally and professionally. It is therefore important for a good leader to ensure that employees reach their maximum potential in order to meet the company’s needs.

«The greatest leaders are not necessarily the ones who do the greatest things. They are the ones that get the people to do the greatest things.»

Our managers are regularly evaluated in accordance with Estamp’s Leadership Style with a Feedback 360° questionnaire, with a satisfactory result according to eight key abilities.

  1. Strategic vision: Ability to understand changes in the environment, market opportunities, competitive threats, and the strengths and weaknesses of both the organisation and one’s self.
  2. Leading by example: Ability to act as a role model of fair and ethical behaviour, in accordance with Estamp’s values.
  3. Coaching: Ability to help grow and achieve objectives, ensuring all employees reach their maximum levels of achievement.
  4. Teamwork: Ability to work productively with others.
  5. Customer-driven (internal and/or external customers): Ability to understand and meet the needs of internal and/or external customers.
  6. Result-driven: Ability to implement the necessary actions to meet the expected target, setting challenging objectives, evaluating and designating the necessary resources, and maintaining high levels of achievement, as part of the organisation’s strategy.
  7. Flexibility: Ability to adapt to change, to work in different situations and with different people, to understand and value different opinions or points of view, adapting one’s own focus as required by the changing situation.
  8. Emotional intelligence: Ability to identify, understand and manage one’s own emotions and those of others.

These abilities were introduced to the Estamp Group by its founder, Mr Amat, and have led the company for over 35 years on its successful journey to its current position. These abilities must continue to be what guides us in facing future challenges.


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