Estamp celebrates its e-Day encouraging the optimism

Yesterday, 10th June 2021, we celebrated one more year a very special event for Estamp Group, Estamp Day, which we want to share it. Why is the role of attitude so important?

We wanted to promote the concept of optimism, under the slogan «Our attitude is the secret of success», especially in these times. We have achieved this through a conference given by Victor Küppers, a renowned speaker who encourages «Living with enthusiasm» and Patrik Pauko for our Slovakia plant, in presential and online format, with the goal to help people live and work with values ​​and with happiness, linked to the values ​​of the company.

Besides, our Wuxi plant celebrated its 10th Anniversary too.

#EstampDay #Optimism #VictorKüppers #LiveEnthusiastically

Estamp celebrates its e-Day encouraging the optimism

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